A Wakeup Call to the Leaders in the Building Industry: Reflections from Greenbuild and the WELL Summit

Last week, Gayathri, Liveable’s founder attended both Greenbuild and WELL Summit in Washington DC. These are her reflections:

Both Greenbuild and WELL Summit are conferences I’ve attended in the past, but this time, the air was different. Here's what I observed:

  1. A Deepened Sense of Urgency: Whether it was in quick conversations in the corridors or the passionate presentations on stage, there was a sense of urgency. It felt like the industry is collectively recognizing the narrowing window we have to act. But between the lines, I sensed a question: Are we genuinely in a race against time, or are we just racing to save face?

  2. Breaking Taboos: Topics that were once considered too controversial or too 'risky' to discuss openly in a corporate setting were brought to the front. It was refreshing to see industry leaders address issues head-on and the organizers providing space to do so. Whether it was a truth and reconciliation keynote or questions about the real impact of green buildings, we are growing and maturing as an industry.

  3. A Welcome Diversity: Diversity is slowly becoming more than just a buzzword. The change in the demographic of attendees and speakers was evident. The conference halls are beginning to reflect the world we live in and design for, but there’s still room to grow.

  4. Shiny New Toys: Carbon footprints, sustainability challenges, equity issues - there's now a certification, app, or software for that. But are they merely distractions? The tools are incredible, but it is becoming clear that there isn't a one size fits all approach- we need to make informed decisions about the ones best suited for each scenario.

  5. Elephants in the Room: Despite the progress, there are glaring omissions. We're still not talking enough about community impact, social issues or the intricacies of the supply chain.

  6. Heart-Centered People: The heart-centered passion of attendees was the best part of the events. From the employees of U.S. Green Building Council and International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) to the speakers and attendees, every single person was there because they were serious about changing tomorrow. We're more than our projects or the companies we work for and this industry isn't just about buildings; it's about people and our collective future.

In summary, it was an enlightening week. We're making strides, but the road ahead is long and can't be traveled alone. And unfortunately, there are no shortcuts. I challenge us, myself included: let's get uncomfortable, let's get real and let's start walking the talk. How can we work together? And how are we shaping the way our organizations work to meet these challenges?


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