At Liveable, we are dedicated to transforming lives through everyday business.

We have partnered with B1G1, allowing us to create a meaningful impact with each business activity. Additionally, our commitment to the 1% Pledge drives us to dedicate 1% of our profits to foster positive social and environmental change.

Together, Let's Create a Better Future

Join us in our mission to create tangible and lasting impact. Together, let's build a world where organizations thrive, communities flourish, and impactful giving and environmental stewardship are the standard.

When you choose to work with Liveable, you not only benefit from our expertise and innovative perspective, but you also become part of a larger movement for positive change. By partnering with us, you contribute to our collective mission of creating a more equitable, sustainable, and environmentally conscious future.

We are just getting started

Through our partnership with B1G1, we have already provided support and shelter to people in need in Kenya and Vietnam. By leveraging our projects and client collaborations, we have been able to bring support to those who need it most.

But our journey doesn't end there. Our goal is to make 1,000 impacts by the end of 2023. We are dedicated to expanding our reach, touching more lives, and creating lasting change. Together, we can make a significant difference in the world.

Creating tangible Impact

At Liveable, we believe that we have a responsibility to use our resources and expertise to make a difference in the world. Through our partnership with B1G1, we are actively working towards creating positive change, one project at a time.

When you choose to work with Liveable, you are not only benefiting from our expertise and commitment, you are also joining us as an agent of change.

Join us in our mission to shape a more liveable and compassionate world.

Together, let's build a world where organizations thrive, communities flourish, and impactful giving becomes the norm.